I am an organic, non-gmo, tree hugging, clean eating, yogi. My past was not so. Cancer whipped me into shape and I am now here to help you all be pro-active with your health. There are simple steps you can take. Like this one for instance. Stop buying pre-made pizza sauce and marinara. 90% of them are LOADED with sugar, not to mention the chemicals and preservatives. I can show you how to whip up pizza sauce for 2 pizzas in NO time at all
Let me show ya how!
Easy quick clean pizza sauce
1 can organic Tomato Sauce
1 can organic Tomato Paste
1/2 Tbsp fresh garlic
1 Tbsp italian seasoning
sea salt to taste
Stir together over low heat to blend flavors for 5-10 minutes. BOOM.. ready to spread on that crust.
Now let's talk crust...
If you know me by now, you KNOW I am NOT gonna through some sub par, fake filler food crust at you. So today let me introduce Boulder Dough, who created a pizza crust recipe made with healthy, clean ingredients; gluten free and vegan; and taste great!
They come shrink wrapped and READY to go!
I just preheated my baking stone, because that is how I roll, and placed an unwrapped dough on it.
Top with your awesome pizza sauce you just made.
UH OH!!!!
Time for cheese. Usually the part that makes or breaks the pizza... AND the part that adds LOADS of unhealthy fats. For those dairy intolerant... here is your exit ... right?
Let me introduce to you Lisanatti Foods Almond Mozzarella that is OMG worthy.
Lisanatti vegetarian cheese alternatives are known for their exceptional texture, flavor, and melting performance. . Lisanatti cheese alternatives are easy to use in favorite recipes as a cholesterol-free, gluten-free substitute for traditional dairy cheese. For dietary changes to improve health, our vegetarian cheese alternatives contain no Trans fats or saturated fats, are low in sodium and good sources of calcium and protein! So Add it to your pizza pie!
We chose some grilled chicken and onions, but you can add anything you like!
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