Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Count colories not calories

I have been getting a lot of messages asking me what the color container codes mean in the recipes I post. My programs have a system that teaches you to eat REAL food (not starve yourself), focusing on portion control. With our formula, it tells you how many color coded containers you get per day depending on your height and weight and goals. Some want to put weight on, some want to take weight off. This is NOT about being skinny! It is about being healthy. I provide you with, 30 minute daily guided at home workouts, the container system, and all the love and support you could want. For weightloss goals...most of my clients average loss of 15 lbs in 21 days.
This is the lifestyle change I adopted 14 months ago... and I am kinda thinkin' it works. The new year is coming and I would love to help you make this new year your best year. #WhyNotYou  its your turn. 

Here is an example of a clean color coded recipe!

A yummy clean grilled cheese
Container codes: to 2 yellow and 1 blue OR orange.

2 slices sprouted whole-grain bread 
1 tsp. Dijon mustard 
1 oz roasted red bell pepper strips 
1 slice medium tomato 
¼ cup fresh arugula 
¼ cup shredded smoked gouda cheese (1 oz) 
½ tsp. olive oil

Monday, December 28, 2015

New year programs that don't break the bank

Today I have an amazing statistic to share with you!
According to Gym Statistics "45 million Americans will turn to a gym membership at the new year and 85% of them will ONLY GO 6  times and then quit. " Not only that, they will continue to pay all year for the membership due to contracts and cancellation fees. Stop the madness!

I would love to work with you. My programs have an 82% success rate. Why? Daily motivation, daily support, nutrition plans, recipes, shopping lists, friends, accountabilty and PRIZES. It is like going to a gym with 20 of your best friends, but the gym is the comfort of your home. Want to stop? There are no ongoing fees. It is simple. You get an online personal trainer/yoga teacher (me) that checks in with you, and a ton of new friends from our online group. (These people have become like family to me). 

I have numerous programs, for every training style. We have cross training, Lifting, cardio, dance, nutrition, yoga, boot camp and even gentle detox programs that require NO EXERCISE. 

If you want what you have always got, then by all means keep doing what you are doing. If you are ready to make a change at the new year, then hit me up. I am excited to work and train hard right along side you. Let's make 2016 your best year ever! 
I hope to help you reach your goals in the upcoming year! Look forward to hearing from you! ‪


Saturday, December 26, 2015

New Year is upon us

Any one else feeling like this?! 
I know i sure do! I have been off clean eating for. A few weeks getting ready for my New Year detox No one wants to think about health and fitness right now. I get it but I know as soon as Jan 1 hits it’s going to be GAME ON for myself and A LOT of people.

I have A LOT going on in January and am inviting anyone who wants help to join me. Whether you want to detox from all the sugar over the holidays or if you want to lose some weight, gain some weight, gain flexibility or strength. I am here to help.
My online groups are fun, motivating, unintimidating, supportive environments. It’s a community, all working to better their health; whatever that looks like to them. Its inspiring to see these amazing people kick sugar and junk food cravings, fit into clothes they haven’t fit into in years, be able to have the energy to take on a new hobby or keep up with their kids, sleep better, have better moods and overall better confidence. Health is SO much more than a number on a scale and we don’t focus on that. We focus on overall whole body wellness!
Would love to help you out too. If you are interested in joining comment below or shoot me an email momwhatsfordinner@yahoo.com
You still have time to misbehave but let's prepare you for the new year now!

Friday, December 4, 2015

Extra padding during your yoga practice

Peanut and I would like to take a moment to tell you about yoga coasters! Yoga Coasters are a joint support cushion to benefit your knees, wrists, paws, elbows, head and hip-bones while practicing yoga!
They are a great help to those who need just some extra support in more advanced poses. Once placed on the mat, the coasters won’t slide out of place until you pick them up and move them. 

I have a yoga challenge coming up called  that starts on instagram in 2 days, on December 6th. Check the hashtag on instagram for details on how to join. One lucky participant will win a set of these awesome yoga coasters! 

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Free 7 day clean eating crock pot group

Okay Holidays! Not this year! I'm not going to let all the deliciousness of holiday foods do me in!! I have worked hard on my fitness goals and I LOVE that I've learned how to eat clean and still ENJOY my meals--just as much as when those meals were not healthy! Quite a few of you have been asking for recipes and/or meal plans suited for the holidays and winter festivities that your family will be sure to enjoy! All while saving TIME by using my favorite kitchen appliance--MY CROCKPOT!!! So, I've decided it's time for another FREE clean eating focus group!! You IN? 
7 day this time and FREE! Can't beat that price, eh? 
My last group, people dropped anywhere from 3-8 lbs...in a week!! Not too shabby!!
I will be providing a complete "Crockpot" meal plan (easy to follow and yummy!) WITH shopping list! Everyone will be expected to do some sort of exercise but I will provide some workout plans too. {But walking your dog would count too!}
It'll also include: 
•Daily motivation/check-in 
•My tips on getting those most out of your work outs 
•Support from the group 
•My favorite healthy snacks
Let me know by sending me a Direct messaging me at momwhatsfordinner@yahoo.com so I can get you on the private secret page where we all check in. 

We will get this party started on Monday, December 14th! So, mark your calendars!
Eek, can't wait!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Upcoming programs to help you achieve a happy healthy life

With the New Year coming and all of you starting to set goals, I wanted to tell you about a TON of new groups we have starting up soon. Fail to plan? Plan to fail! Now is the time to start planning!
I am listing them below. EMAIL ME if you want to join any of them!

1. OnlineClean Eating Crock Pot group starts December 14th! One week of clean eating crock pot style! I provide the recipes, the shopping list, and the meal plan. You just plop those ingredients in, and bam dinner is ready at 6pm! Perfect for those busy holidays, and you can rest knowing you are eating correctly. KID APPROVED! Even comes with clean eating desserts!

2. Hot for the Holidays - an online accountability group just like this one that adds 30 minutes of exercise every day to the mix along with clean eating. We provide numerous meal plans, shopping lists and recipes. You just show up, exercise 30 minutes a day (any program) and make new friends. We have programs to guide you. Hundreds of workouts to choose from. From PiYo, to dance, to lifting, anything and everything).

3. 21 day online accountability group - a 21 day nutrition and workout group. Comes with containers to guide you on portion control. Teaches you how to cook and eat whole organic foods, and replace some old bad habits with new ones. This is all about learning how to fuel your body the proper way. We give recipes, tips, and go through the meal prep right along with you.

4. After Christmas 3 day cleanse. No... you are not starving yourself. The 3 Day Refresh Complete Kit includes Shakeology for breakfast which helps improve and support all your body's vital functions, while also helping maximize energy and maintain healthy blood sugar levels (available in your choice of 6 flavors, including vegan options). The kit also includes the vanilla fresh shake that helps curb your hunger with more than 20 grams of protein, 22 essential vitamins and minerals, probiotics for digestive health, also included is the Fiber Sweep which gently and naturally eliminates waste from your digestive system with it's blend of whole ground flax, chia, and psyllium seed husks. As part of a healthy diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, Fiber Sweep can help lower cholesterol, and support healthy blood sugar levels. A program guide is also included that walks you through how this program works, what to expect and how to prepare your shopping list, as well as your body for the 3 Day Refresh. It also contains a menu planner with numerous easy-to-make nutritious meals! Here is a quick video that explains it a little more http://youtu.be/JzGpmybPt38

5. New Year Ultimate Reset - , Online accountability group. It's 21 days of strict, clean eating. No alcohol, sugar, caffeine and even animal protein. Each week you take different supplements and eat slightly different foods to help your body release toxins and then restore the system. It’s mainly fruit, veggies and whole grains. The food is amazing. We still cook from the cookbook weekly. We just add in lean protein now. The supplements are all natural ingredients (I can send you detailed supplement info if you would like). It comes with a complete meal plan and shopping list, supplements and a support system of me, other coaches and challengers going through it. It's ultimately a vegan diet for three weeks.
It's a gentle cleanse so you don't run to the bathroom or starve like a juice cleanse. You eat three full meals a day and one snack. Most friends just make extra for their family and maybe add in protein. Below is a video that goes over it a little more http://youtu.be/n5uiaWEpkZE

6. Masters Hammer and Chisel - Just released! Comes with the full workout and a complete nutrition guide that is based around portion control which makes things super simple and you get those cute portion control containers to use as well so if it fits in your container you eat it and if it doesn’t you save it for later. Also you get, 1 month of shakeology which you will be using to replace one meal/snack a day-which is going to make one meal SUPER easy for you and it's going to have you feeling better and have MORE energy. It’s a life saver. If you want additional nutritional support besides what the program gives you then you can also get my team’s other clean eating meal plan and shopping list so that will take out the guess work for you with nutrition. Lots of nutrition support cause nutrition and quality ingredients are KEY! Preview of the workout just so you can see what it's all about!

Another note... In all these groups You must take before and after photos to be a apart of this group as well as measurements! We want to have PROOF of your progress. This is for accountability. When done, you get a free gift for completing your program that ranges from free shaker cups to free tanks and tees. l and we have some more fun prizes for our group too. EMAIL ME if you want to join any of them!

Samples of real organic non gmo superfoods

Samples samples samples.
Time to start thinking about how you are going to kill those #NewYear goals. 

How about a permanent solution this time? 

Whole organic foods. That's where it starts! 
I adopted this new lifestyle a year ago. I lost 55 lbs, kept it off and feel happier and healthier than I ever have before. 
I see so many people reaching for pills or chemically laden wraps or gimmicks that are at best a bandaid. Stop the madness! 

If you want what you have always had. Keep doing what your doing. If you want to make a real lifestyle change and live your best life. Then hit me up. Would be happy to send ya a sample of REAL nutrition that has all your #cancer fighting #superfoods and 5 Salads worth of your greens, and so much more. Organic nongmo goodness that has changed my life. It's your turn! Hit me up: momwhatsfordinner@yahoo.com

Personalized TARGETED Nutrition saved me!

Personalized TARGETED Nutrition saved me!
It can save you too! Take the free health assessment (it can even hook up to your DNA test results) to see what your body REALLy needs.