Sunday, August 19, 2018

Financial freedom for yoga and fitness professionals

The yoga industry is booming: it’s a $16 BILLION industry in the US alone…and growing every day.
But if that’s true, then why are MOST yoga teachers struggling to make ends meet?

You grind out class after class. You drive from studio to studio. If you’re dabbling in online marketing, you’re making YouTube videos here and there, or posting picture after picture on Instagram.

You’re doing the work…but why isn’t it working?

Here’s the truth: You don’t need to work harder, you just need a new STRATEGY, and you need a TEAM!

My team leaders are following a very simple plan to build six-figure online businesses that are spiritually AND financially abundant…

…while remaining 100% true to their higher purpose, and serving with complete integrity and authenticity.

I mentor others in this industry. I pull back the curtain on the inside strategies smart yoga teachers are using to build a business that fulfills them spiritually AND financially…while making the world a better place along the way.

I would love to teach you how and have you join us! You can fill out this ZERO obligation form so I can send you over information to help .

I am only looking for those looking for freedom, if that is you, apply below!


Friday, August 17, 2018

Help in the kitchen for busy Momma's and working Women

Girl, I know.
It is 5:30 and you have not even begun to think about what to make for dinner.
You had all these healthy goals on Monday and here it is Friday and none of those goals were met.
No time now... so you pour the pasta in the pan and pull out the can of sauce to frantically whip something together to feed your family.
Sound familiar?

I have been there.
I have made it to the other side. 
One of the biggest blessings that came out of my cancer journey was receiving my education in nutrition so I could self advocate. Now my goal is to advocate for others! I help others eat real yummy wholesome food... EASILY.

My goal is to HELP you take out all the guess work. 
With my meal plans that are created by a registered dietician, you will be provided with:

1. A color coded shopping list that is separated into store department categories.
2. A weekly meal plan 
3. All recipes for 3 meals a day plus 2 snacks
4. My help, guidance, and support. 

If you would like a free meal plan so you can see what I am talking about... just request one here:

Personalized TARGETED Nutrition saved me!

Personalized TARGETED Nutrition saved me!
It can save you too! Take the free health assessment (it can even hook up to your DNA test results) to see what your body REALLy needs.