I love this time of year here in California. It is not uncommon to pull up to a stop sign and there be a little farmer selling bags of fresh picked avocado's for $5. I snag a bag any time I can. They grow abundantly here, and it is not uncommon to drive through a neighborhood and have boxes of them on the curb labeled "free". That is what I used to do with my lemons and limes.
I used to be afraid of Avocado's because of their fat. After having Cancer and the doctor telling me it is a perfect fat. A fat my body needs. I was so happy! I use them in everything from ranch dressing, to salads and sandwiches. More often than not I don't even need mayo or a sauce. They make everything creamy and delicious!
So here is my all time favorite way to make Guacamole. Creamy and Chunky at the same time. It is naturally gluten-free! We went over to our friends for game night and because I didn't want to be tempted to eat food that was bad for me, I brought sliced cucumbers to dip into it. Yum! Everyone else loved the Organic chips I brought, but I was a good girl! :)
1 cup diced sweet onion
4 garlic cloves minced
4 serrano chiles minced (with seeds for spicy)
Juice of 2 limes
5 ripe avocados
coarse salt
Put the onion, garlic, chiles,lime juice and Avocados in a bowl.
Use a large serving fork and mix up the ingredients. Then press the fork around the sides of the bowl mashing the Avocado. This will make a chunky guacamole. If you like Cilantro, by all means add it. We love it, but I know for some people it is a cringe ingredient. ( I will never understand that way of thinking ). But I aim to please.
There you go! The best guacamole ever!