Thursday, August 27, 2015

Weightloss transformation and now it is your turn

Every day closer to my goals. 
This picture on left is me before: Constantly gave excuses on why I should be able to eat what I want. I used to say: "I deserve to live!" Boy did I get a slap in the face when that "living" turned out to be killing me. Besides, I knew I was lying to myself and I knew how unhappy and miserable I was. I was so tired all the time, yet I had so much trouble sleeping. This picture was taken 6 weeks post op of having my cancer‬ removed.

Picture on right ...Now: Happy, Healthy, Fit, and now you couldn't pay me to put that genetically modified, enriched, full of sugar, crappy food in my mouth. Now I still eat what I love, I learned tricks along the way I share them in my book Nourish @nourishtheworkshop
80% Nutrition and 20% exercise is where it is at and I could not do it without all the love, inspiration and motivation from my team. Accountability‬ is where it is at. If I didn't have it, I am not sure how far along I would be.
My next accountability group is starting up just after the labor day holiday. If you are the person on the left... Or somewhere in between...I Would love to help you, while working at it right along with you. ‪#‎YouCanDoIt‬
You know what to do! 

Monday, August 24, 2015

Banana Berry Power Bowl

SO what is for breakfast? I start my day with a superfood shake and then I go workout. When I come back, I am ready for some packed full of protein yumminess and I eat something like this on most days. Here was today's Banana Berry Power Bowl, When you eat this you get all your daily nutrients in one bowl. It has 5 salads, all your polynutrients, omega 3's, antioxidants, and cancer fighting superfoods. 

Christi's Power Granola

Makes a big batch 

1 cup coconut oil
3 cups slivered almonds
1 cup steel cut oats
1/2 cup PURE  maple syrup
Coconut flakes

Preheat the oven to 325 degrees.
Melt the coconut oil and stir together with almonds,  oats, and maple syrup. 
Place on a large cookie sheet or pizza pan spreading it out as much as you can.

Bake and every 15 minutes pull out and flip over. Do this for 45 minutes. Now pull it out and flip and top with coconut flakes. Place back in the oven for 10 minutes.. check the flakes, if they are not golden, place back in for 5 minutes at a time until golden brown. 

Stir granola all together and let cool for 10 minutes. 

1/2 cup hemp hearts
1/2 cup chia seeds
2 cups rolled dates 

Stir together and serve, or store in an airtight container. I make this batch on Sunday night and it lasts us the week. :)

For the berry power bowl I used.
1/2 frozen banana
1/2 cup frozen strawberries
1/2 cup greek yogurt
1/2 cup almond milk
1/4 cup organic orange juice

Blend. Top with 3/4 cup power granola, 1/2 sliced banana, blueberries. Serve :)

I would love to help you clean up your life. You can eat GREAT food and be healthy happy and cancer free like me! Why not learn how to make amazing healthy clean meals that you don't have to feel guilty about? 

My book Nourish is full of these types of recipes. Check it out, or email me today and I can help you get started on your healthy lifestyle. 

Friday, August 21, 2015

Hip Hop Dance your way to fitness

Hey everyone!  I want to just let you know of a new group that will be starting soon.
If you like to dance, love Zumba or just want a break from the traditional workout (no lunges, squats or push ups here), you are going to absolutely LOVE this! I cannot tell you enough how this program is SO so much fun ... and absolutely perfect to get the kids involved! Who doesn't love to dance?!
What is different about this program? It is choreographed hip hop by professional dancers to current popular music that is on the radio now. :)
I will be hosting an exclusive challenge group starting the day after Labor day (to allow some holiday fun first) September 8th where we will all dance our way to a bikini body along with a brand new complete meal plans from me!
Extra perk: 
Who wants to come dance with me? 
I am a certified cize live instructor, but the Cize program is different than Cize live. So at the end of this group, I will be giving a free cize live session on google plus for all to do with me :)
Want in?
Simply go to and click "Take the Challenge" or email me at and let me know you want in and I will get you all the deets. 
Or click to purchase HERE.
Don't wait. Groups fill up fast!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Complete mind and body transformation

10 months ago I made one small shift that completely transformed me.💪
💪My body changed, 
💜my energy changed. 
💑My relationships improved. 
👭My friendships increased.
💹 In 10 short months I ranked in the top 300 (out of 350,000)in a company of incredible health & fitness professionals.💜
I'm surrounded by positivity, 
👭incredible friends with the same passions, ✈
I am traveling the globe, and it is my job to work on bettering myself so I can continue to hold space for others. 💜

If you want to be:
 💪 healthy, 
:) happy, 
then this is your sign. My personal coach apprenticeship is starting soon. 
✔ Don't miss the boat. ⛵
Head on over to www.nourishthecommunity.comand click the "Take the challenge" button. 💪

What has changed in my health and fitness in 10 months

10 months, 216 souls. 
When I joined 10 months ago, I was just joining to continue my cancer fight. Never did I think I would end up coaching and leading so many amazing beautiful people. So what has changed? 
I am in the best shape of my life and that includes high school. I wake up happy, driven, and with a purpose. I am now a 2 year cancer survivor! I went from participating in yoga challenges to leading several each month. I have met some of my best friends who I would never have met if it wasn't for this journey.

Maybe your life is fine and you are content right where you are. I wasn't. I knew there was more. There was no need for money or a job to be added, but I simply wanted to take care of my health and fitness and 3 weeks into my journey I knew I could also help others. SO I decided to be as transparent with my journey as I could. The result... priceless. SO much empowerment and encouragement and love come from my team. I am encouraged to better myself daily. I am not perfect. I have my own struggles but that is what is so great about having this amazing ‪#‎TeamNourish‬ by my side. I am growing, learning, bettering myself. Does this sound like something you would like? 
Feel free to visit any one of my tribes pages, about half are listed on this photo.. I couldn't fit them all. Come see what we are about! I would love to see if our team is a fit for you.

I am getting ready to book my challenges next month and would love to have you co-host with me. Drop me an email to and let's chat! 

Monday, August 10, 2015

Dream job, dream team, dream life, why not you?

Part of me wants to shrivel up & die sharing this 🙈 & the other part is excited to share, because I know how many people this can help.
This is a birds-eye view of just the beginning potential you have when deciding to share your fitness journey while helping others. This is what has happened to me in the 9 months since I started. On month 10 now, the happiest I have ever been. The fittest I have ever been. My life is full of the most amazing souls who fill my heart with joy and uplift and motivate me daily.
Sure there are plenty of others who do what I do who have made more than me and on the same note others who have made far less, but I can only share MY journey & MY experience & how I turned my journey into something positive. Something that has helped me and so many others in the most amazing way.
My work is about helping people, PERIOD, end of story. 
I live in abundance because I offer gratitude, bless & take care of my‪#‎TeamNourish‬ and care deeply about my coaches & challengers. I also wake up each day and choose to take care of myself.

I do not coach those who just want to make money. You must have purpose & passion! PLEASE only reach out if you want to help others & commit to living healthy.
Do you have to be a nutrition/fitness saint everyday? NO! BUT you HAVE to be AUTHENTIC & you have to be passionate about being a good example to others AND YOURSELF!!!
If you're not there yet there is no better way then stepping into a coaching role and changing your life by default because of a choice you made. I posted earlier about an opportunity to learn more, so if you didn't see it look back on my feed.

I can only help people LIKE ME; those who are either fitness professionals, yoga teachers, influencers, &/OR those who want to get fit AND WANT to change their lives without excuses. 
If you are ready to make a difference. Contact me at

Personalized TARGETED Nutrition saved me!

Personalized TARGETED Nutrition saved me!
It can save you too! Take the free health assessment (it can even hook up to your DNA test results) to see what your body REALLy needs.