Mast-o-musir is an appetizer that literally means yogurt and shallots in Farsi, which is Persian Language. It is a common Persian appetizer, usually served with pita chips. Of course if you are gluten-free, you are not going to use pita chips. You can make
gluten free pita bread by following my recipe
here. And then you can make chips out of them by cutting into triangles, brushing with olive oil and sprinkle with salt. Bake at 375 for 15-30 minutes. Great for dipping in the Mast-o-musir. Here is the process to make it:
1 small shallot
1 container of Lebni (16 oz) or Greek Yogurt
Finely mince the shallot
Place the lebni (greek yogurt) and minced shallots in a bowl.
Mix them thoroughly. Cover and place in the fridge for a few hours.
Serve with Lots of Veggies and fruits, regular potato chips if gluten free or pita chips for those of you lucky ones that don't have a flour allergy.
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