Thai iced coffee anyone? This will dance on your taste buds like you just had a treat without all the additives. But that’s only part of what’s so great about it..
All the bad things about coffee are swapped out for superfoods, protein, probiotics and enzymes, everything that I’ve been feeding my body for the last two years to keep it healthy and Cancer free, including all nine essential amino acids, which you need to help build and repair muscle.
You’ll get a natural boost of #energy – not a quick caffeine buzz that’s followed by a crash – so you can power through a workout and won’t be faced with any late-afternoon cravings for sugar or caffeine to help you reboot and get through the day. Shakeology essentially squashes cravings for junk food by providing more than 70 different nutrients in one delicious glass, and it offers sustainable energy that lasts throughout the day.
This costs LESS than your latte from starbucks, but this time you are giving your money to ingredients that prevent cancer, not cause it!
Interested in changing your life? Email me if you are not already working with a coach at and I will get a sample out to you! ♥
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