Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Who are you? Consider making a difference in both your life and the lives of others.

Guys this makes me smile so big! I got a few of my teammates together to post a picture of who they are, or what they represent, what definition resonates with them. Look how blessed we are! All of these beautiful people come from many different backgrounds, different careers, different parts of the country but we share one BIG thing in common, we want more out of life and we want to help others feel the same. 
Are you a person who says....
I could NEVER do what you do. 
I don't have time.
I am not "fit" enough. 
I don’t know yoga.
Here is the thing...... 
Those are excuses and they are just holding you back from the life you were meant to live!
ANYONE CAN BECOME A COACH if you have a DESIRE and DRIVE to make a difference in people’s lives. 
Another will find the time. You will learn as you go. YOU are just what this world needs to make a difference. YOU are the only one who can offer your unique gifts. YOU are enough and YOU are perfect for this just like all of these women here. 
We come from all walks of life, each with our own story to tell, our own WHY. Many here don’t do yoga, some do, Yoga is not a team requirement at all. 
New coach mentorship starts in one week and there are some spots left that will be gone before you know it. 
Email me and let’s get your spot clinched! It will take one hour a day ONLINE. What are you waiting for?

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