Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Chocolate Greek Yogurt Dip

It happens to the best of us. 
We set out with great intentions of only eating healthy. Until we walk past someone devouring a chocolate ice cream. Then the "I will start tomorrow" thoughts set in. I have been fighting those thoughts. Now on week 6 of my lifestyle change. Doing almost 2 hours of exercise each day, consisting of yoga and walking for now, and eating healthy organic and whole grains only. But yesterday was a hard day fighting off cravings. So I set out to make something that would calm the chocolate demon in my body. 

I got thinking, I mean Chocolate is a super food, so I can make it healthy, right? What else is healthy for me? Greek yogurt is. Let's put them together. Combined with a plate of fresh fruit, and I had myself an afternoon feast that tasted sinful, but made my chocolate craving stop immediately. 

If you love chocolate and fruit, this is for you! 

Chocolate Greek Yogurt Dip

½ cup Plain Greek Yogurt
3 Tbsp. cocoa powder
3 Tbsp. brown sugar, or 3 tsp stevia, or 3 Tbsp. agave nectar
½ tsp. vanilla
fresh fruit (for dipping)

Combine all ingredients in a medium-sized bowl. Stir until it is an even dark color and all of the brown sugar granules have dissolved, about 3 minutes. Serve with fresh fruit for dipping.

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