Thursday, August 20, 2015

What has changed in my health and fitness in 10 months

10 months, 216 souls. 
When I joined 10 months ago, I was just joining to continue my cancer fight. Never did I think I would end up coaching and leading so many amazing beautiful people. So what has changed? 
I am in the best shape of my life and that includes high school. I wake up happy, driven, and with a purpose. I am now a 2 year cancer survivor! I went from participating in yoga challenges to leading several each month. I have met some of my best friends who I would never have met if it wasn't for this journey.

Maybe your life is fine and you are content right where you are. I wasn't. I knew there was more. There was no need for money or a job to be added, but I simply wanted to take care of my health and fitness and 3 weeks into my journey I knew I could also help others. SO I decided to be as transparent with my journey as I could. The result... priceless. SO much empowerment and encouragement and love come from my team. I am encouraged to better myself daily. I am not perfect. I have my own struggles but that is what is so great about having this amazing ‪#‎TeamNourish‬ by my side. I am growing, learning, bettering myself. Does this sound like something you would like? 
Feel free to visit any one of my tribes pages, about half are listed on this photo.. I couldn't fit them all. Come see what we are about! I would love to see if our team is a fit for you.

I am getting ready to book my challenges next month and would love to have you co-host with me. Drop me an email to and let's chat! 

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