Last Summer my husband were blessed to charter our own private sailing Catamaran yacht.
We sailed in the British Virgin Islands with two of our best friends. I am so lucky to have a husband that is a Captain and lives to sail. It was the trip of a lifetime. It was then that we realized we wanted to eventually have that life. Right now we are saving up and hope to one day buy my husbands dream boat. In the meantime we have our vacation memories to keep us going.
For 8 days we had pure bliss. We did so much snorkeling!
Witnessed breathtaking Caribbean sunsets every single night.
Floated in pristine water.
Got to see one of natures wonders "The Caves".
Had many romantic evenings.
One of my favorite destinations was White Bay If you are intrigued and want to see more, my friend Penny who is pictured with me in a lot of the pictures, made a cute short movie of our trip.
on Jost Van Dyke. This little bay was quite the party place! Who knew Jost Van Dyke is the smallest of the four main islands of the British Virgin Islands being only 3 square miles. So I was expecting more of an un-inhabited island. Boy was I wrong! Turns out it is very famous because of The Soggy Dollar Bar.
The Soggy Dollar is reputedly the birthplace of the popular drink known as the Painkiller. The Soggy Dollar bar is appropriately named because when built there was neither road nor dock. To reach the beach where the bar is located, it is a common practice for boaters to anchor off the beach, swim to shore, and pay for their drinks with wet money. So we had to check this place out! Even though most of the trip we didn't partake in the Caribbean Cocktails, we had to try this famous drink. It lives up to it's name. All you need is one and you will be hanging in the hammocks like we did.
I have it on good authority that this is the recipe they use. Course they use Pusser's Rum because that is the Rum of the B.V.I. But we don't care for Pusser's much. So you can use Pusser's if you like. We chose Captain Morgan Spiced Rum.
BVI Painkiller
2-4 oz. of Spiced Rum
4 oz. pineapple juice
1 oz. cream of coconut
1 oz. orange juice
Grated fresh nutmeg
In a cocktail shaker filled with ice add first four ingredients and stir. Pour into cocktail glasses and top with grated nutmeg.
If you can't be at the British Virgin Islands' Soggy Dollar Bar itself to enjoy a true painkiller drink, mixing it yourself is the next best thing.
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Trip of a lifetime indeed! We were blessed to go with your best friends!! Thank you Chef Christi, and Captain Randy, and more adventures await in the future! The painkiller is amazing, and I am not a big drinker.