Another week has flown by. So much going on. I wanted to take a second and ask for your support with my cookbook. The e-book is out and can be purchased at amazon and barnes and noble.com and at www.glutenfreeiseasy.com. But it still needing funding for printing. Could you please share this information with anyone you know that is gluten-free. You can support this book through our kickstarter campaign. All you are doing is pre-buying the book so we can fund the printing. You can view the kickstarter campaign here:
Thank you for your support in bringing this book to the masses!
As usual for your convenience I am bringing you a round-up of my gluten-free posts for the past week. So here is this weeks Gluten-Free Weekly Recipe Round-up!
Great week! Everything looks so good! My Husband would go crazy over the file mignon! And I need the peppermint patties!