Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Year Party Cocktail's and Beverages

So who drinks on New Years Eve? 2 years ago I did. I took shots with my girlfriends and ended up sick for 2 days. Now I have a little reminder pop up on my computer that says "whatever you do, don't take shots!" On New Years Eve. I enjoy serving others and walking around with a huge wine glass full of water. There is always going to be another time I can enjoy a cocktail. More power to you if you can handle it. I have a weak stomach and don't really like anything outside of a glass of wine these days. However, I am the hostess with the mostess. I love to make drinks both alcohol and non alcohol. Here is the round up of what is popular during the holiday season. 
Happy New Year! 

New Years Eve Cocktail and Drink Recipe Round Up


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