Since making my Gluten Free Sugar Free German Pancakes with Authentic Foods Gluten Free Multi Blend Flour I did a little more research. Simply because those pancakes turned out amazing. At first I wanted to pat myself on the back for being so amazing (enter sarcastic tone here) at cooking that no one could tell they were gluten free. But then my head snapped back to reality and I went to their website and read their product description:
"We want to emphasize how this flour is really unlike any gluten-free flour out there. When you bake with this flour, your baked goods will come out moist and without any grittiness. This flour isn’t just your average gluten-free flour, it is MUCH better! Baked goods with this flour will taste better if not the same as a baked good that contains wheat flour!"
I agree with their statement. I am in shock. Every time I think I have found the best one out there, another one comes out even better. Kudos Authentic Foods. Looks like our life is getting more and more back to normal.
Gluten Free Sugar Free Strawberry Crepes
2 large eggs
2 packets of stevia
3/4 cup milk
1 tablespoon canola oil
16 ounces fresh strawberries
4 ounces cream cheese
Wash and then thinly slice strawberries. Sprinkle one packet of Stevia over the Strawberries and set aside.
Combine the flour, eggs, sugar, milk, and canola oil in a bowl, mix with a whisk or hand mixer until smooth. Set aside while you prepare the strawberries and cream.
Take 1/3 of the sweetened strawberries and add them to a blender with the cream cheese. Blend until fully puree'd.
Lightly grease the bottom of an 9 or 10-inch non-stick skillet with a little oil, I like to use canola oil spray, and heat the pan over medium to high heat. When it is hot, add about 1/4 of the crepe batter, and quickly tilt and move the skillet so the batter coats the entire bottom of the pan.
Move quickly, or the batter will set before the bottom of the skillet is coated, and the crepes will be thicker than desired.
Move quickly, or the batter will set before the bottom of the skillet is coated, and the crepes will be thicker than desired.
That's awesome! I always love it when you can find a great new product that makes cooking easier or better or just tastes dang good!