Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Gluten-Free Grab and Go

Today I am introducing you to PlentilsPLENTILS™ are crunchy lentil chips, available in four fantastic flavors
They are gluten-free and free of the 8 common allergens, and filled with all the fiber and protein of the lentil. This chip's unique recipe results in a protein-packed, crunchy experience, bursting with flavor as you savor a great-tasting "better-for-you" chip. If you are someone like me that enjoys a salty crunchy snack, this one is for you. Dairy Free, Nut-Free, Gluten-Free, Vegan...and only 130 calories per serving, and 40% less fat than regular chips!
  All of the above is why Plentils wins my gluten-free grab and go pick of the week. Find out more about these tasty chips at http://www.plentils.com.

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