Friday, May 11, 2012

Strawberry Sherbet

Strawberry Season!!!
I love it. Here in California I can get 5 huge tubs of strawberries for $5. I made 6 servings of this Strawberry Sherbet and 3 more jars of my strawberry jam today. It was a good day, making a lot for just a little, makes me feel productive. 
With just 5 ingredients, this fresh recipe comes together easily.  It is so easy to make this recipe and it tastes so fresh and light. I like to put them in individual serving dishes in the freezer for my kids or husband to grab when they have a sweet tooth.  Naturally gluten-free it is a great treat for my Celiac daughter. One of these times I am going to try coconut milk instead for a Vegan option. 

Strawberry Sherbet
adapted from Eat. Drink. Love.

2 cups hulled fresh strawberries
Juice from 1 Lime
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups milk
1/2 cup sugar or stevia

Place strawberries in a blender and puree until smooth.
Pour Puree'd Strawberries into the bowl of your ice cream maker.
Stir in the milk, lime juice, and sugar.
Add the lid and turn on maker. 20 minutes later, you have Strawberry Sherbet!
Tada! Strawberry Sherbet! Yum!
Also if you like Pina Colada's... head on over to 
I did a guest post today where I made GLUTEN FREE PINA COLADA PANCAKES!

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  1. What a great recipe for national strawberry month. I voted :-)

  2. Wonderful ice cream! It's so pretty! And I bet it tastes as good as it looks :-). What a great recipe!

    I would like to invite you to share this post (and others :-) ) on a new photo based recipe sharing network that launched only this Monday. The idea is simple: recipe photographs are published within minutes of submission. No rejections, no reviews. And, of course, the images link back to the author's site.

    It's called RecipeNewZ (with Z) -

    I hope you get a chance to visit and to share some of your delicious posts with our viewers. It would be a pleasure to have you on board :-)

  3. Okay... yet another reason for me to jealous of you.... first it was the lemon trees in your you get fantastic deals on strawberries! No fair!! **stomp...stomp** :) Okay now that I'm done whining... this sherbet looks amazing. :)

  4. I absolutely have to try this recipe! I know I'm going to love it! Strawberry ice cream/sherbet is one of my favorite flavors.


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